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Active Members

Casey Harper


Casey Harper is our President and Editor. She has been active in the Delta Beta chapter since Spring 2018. She is a fourth year instrumental music education major. She plays percussion. 

Ayanna Hampton


Ayanna Hampton is our Vice President of Membership and our Recording Secretary. She has been in the Delta Beta chapter since Spring 2019. She is a second year PhD student studying music education. She is a vocalist.

Hannah Gibson


Hannah Gibson is our Vice President of Ritual and our Sergeant At Arms. She has been in the Delta Beta chapter since Spring 2020. She is a second year choral music education major. She is a vocalist.

Mary Oeste

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Mary Oeste is our Corresponding Secretary. She has been an active member since Spring 2019. She is a fifth year choral music education major. She is a vocalist and she plays flute/piccolo.

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